I need your help…

My first week of work was… well. Terrible.

I was left to deal with every angry customer and mistake. My boss continually left her desk and left me to deal with her calls, as well as my own, and as my knowledge grew, she left me to do her work. I spent the entirety of Friday doing my work, plus hers, whilst she was in the next room, gossiping, and laughing with the other workers.

The main issue I had apart from this, was that there was constant racist, sexist and homophobic, offensive talk in my office. Something I appall and would never join in with or humour. I find it disgusting.

Friday afternoon came and she wanted to evaluate my work. Apparently my work is great, and we make a great team, (Team? Yeah right! Where have you been whilst I’ve been working my ass off? Delegating all of your work to me is not team work!) however, she took issue with my smell, which is something she’d had issues with, with several people before me, and she had let them go because of it, and I needed to sort it out, to avoid the same future. My smell. I shower every day, I have deodorant and I use a lot of perfume throughout the day. So I found this incredibly offensive and unbelievable. She explained that it could be an issue if we deal with customers. Now hang on, unless I’ve missed out on some crazy new invention, customers can’t smell me over the phone, or through the computer, and that’s the only time which any of us in the office interact with customers!

So honestly, I do not want to go back. I need a job, I don’t want to be unemployed, but I don’t want to have to face all of this rubbish. I’ve spent about as many hours crying over this job, as I have actually working there. So I really feel I need to quit.

What would you do? I need some guidance.