Catching up

Hello everyone.

My last post was a fair few months ago, so I thought I’d update whoever forces themselves to read this rubbish.

I did leave the job. I couldn’t face going back. I have no regrets about leaving.

I was unemployed for a short time and got some “voluntary” work experience at the job centre…

It was horrible.

Luckily within a week of being there I had found some “part time” work. I went in for an induction week which meant that I stopped the work experience, then I started work.

It was an estimated 12 hours per week, however I’m now working 15-40 hours per week, so I signed off.

I’m a carer and I go to people’s homes to care for them for a few hours at a time, it’s not what I wanted to do, but I love it. I really love it.

So there you have it.

The one with the perfect job…

So today I interviewed for the perfect job. It’s perfect. It is a great position, a great company, it’s something I could really excel at, and I can’t believe I got down to the top five candidates to be interviewed.

I applied through a recruitment agency, and when I got the phone call I was made to feel slightly on the back foot, because I was one of the two candidates who didn’t have professional experience in the area, and the recruiter made me feel as though they really had to push for me to have a chance.

To be fair, the recruiter went above and beyond to help me get this job, they re-designed my CV to help it fit the job, sent me several links to help me win during an interview, and helped point out what the company valued above all else.

I did a lot of research and really tried my hardest to get the job, today, it is a role that I really want. I would give several limbs and internal organs to get it, but I feel like it’s all too good to be true. Maybe I just missed something in the interview, maybe I’m going to have to face those words, once again “I’m afraid we’re looking for someone with more experience.” Whatever it is, I know it’s going to be painful.

I really gave it my all, it was, I feel one of the best interviews I have ever done, but I fear it’s going to end exactly like the perfect job interview did for Rachel in the US TV show, ‘Friends’, she gets the call, and as great as she was, and as well as the interview went, it’s a no.

I think that for the last couple of days I have just been in a little world of “what if” and “wouldn’t it be great if?” and tomorrow I think it’s going to end, and I’m going to be back to job hunting.

So I want to know, how do you handle rejection like this? I think I’m gonna need some tips!